Shop LGPG Tennis Clothing

  • NZ Women's Tennis Skirts | LGPG Tennis
    Our women's tennis skirts (skorts) are proudly designed and made in NZ for Kiwi women. By popular demand, we are now stocking two lengths of many styles and XXL size. (Click on a style to see details and sizing chart.)
  • NZ Girls' Tennis Skirts | LGPG Tennis
    Limited-edition fabrics and styles to give girls pizzazz on court, proudly designed and made in NZ.

2020: The story continues...

Between Covid-19 and some recent surgery, I have taken the time to reflect and reprioritise some things in my life which I am sure you all have done. What I do and how I do it is being constantly challenged to suit the changing world, but the WHY I do it has not.

I still believe that all New Zealand women and girls deserve access to more options when it comes to tennis and squash skirts

I still believe in supporting New Zealand manufacturing.

Since starting on this adventure, I have met so many amazing women and have really enjoyed hearing your stories. It always makes me happy to see LGPG skirts wherever I happen to be and also seeing the skirts head to different parts of the country.
A special buzz to see one of the skirts debuting at the National’s event in Christchurch 

The skirts have been used for walking and cycling as well as tennis and squash, so they really are active wear.

LGPG Listens: 
Your feedback has been vitally important to me and I have incorporated your ideas into the new stock.
So, skirts a little longer, an alteration to the undershorts and some larger sizes.

My motto remains to “Look good and play good tennis”
(or whatever activity you're into!)

LGPG tennis recommends that you are sun smart. 
UPF is the rating system used for apparel in Australia. It is similar to the SPF rating that we use in NZ. UPF-rating clothing alone will not fully cover you. Total UV protection requires a multi-faceted approach:

  • Wear UV-protective clothing.
  • Liberally apply sunscreen with a high SPF rating to all exposed areas of skin.
  • Wear sunglasses that offer 100 percent UV-ray protection.
  • Seek shade whenever possible.
  • Monitor—and limit—the amount of time you expose yourself to UV radiation, especially during peak daylight hours—roughly from 9am to 3pm
  • Remember that filtered sun can still damage your skin, so protect yourself on cloudy days too.

Wearing UV-protective clothing and these other precautions give you a lot of tools to keep your skin healthier. Be smart about the sun and it will be easier to soak up the fun when you’re outdoors.

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Look Good Play Good